Grameenphone Ltd. has launched a promotional offer for its valuable customers who are currently sitting silent & away from our network! Under this campaign, all GP pre-paid (Shohoj, Bondhu, Aapon, Amontron, Smile, Spondon, Business Solutions (1, 2, 3, Shofol) prepaid, Ekota prepaid (1, 2), Nishchinto, VP prepaid, GPPP Pre-Paid, Djuice prepaid, Prepaid Internet SIM) customers who are not using their connections since 26th Sept, 2013 or before shall enjoy the following:
- 4.17 paisa/10 Sec for any GP-GP Call (12:00 AM to 4:00PM)
- 10 paisa/10 Sec for any Local Call (12:00 AM to 4:00PM)
- Welcome Tune Subscription Fee for 1 month (with one Fee Tune) and 100 minutes Music radio for One month (on the 1st recharge of BDT 15
Furthermore, just to demonstrate how much we really cherish your presence and return to our Network, 10 availing subscribers of this campaign who download the highest number of Welcome Tune (minimum 30 Welcome Tunes & fastest) during campaign duration will be also rewarded with an attractive iPod.
Hence, there is no reason for you to be silent anymore so come back to the strongest Network and enjoy these attractive offers to the fullest!Further Details of the Offer:
- Customers will be able check the offer eligibility by sending Check to 9999.
- IVR, Port, Pay for Me and International Calls will not be considered as local call.
- My Zone registered customers also will be able to enjoy this lower offer tariff.
- After the promotional time period the customers will enjoy their regular product tariff.
- Nishchinto lower tariff customers also will be able enjoy this lower offer tariff.
- 10 Sec pulse applicable.
- Return back Customers will be able enjoy the voice offer till end of campaign period.
- After the required recharge of BDT 15 (on the 1st recharge of BDT 15), both Welcome Tune and Music Radio offer will be assigned for customers to enjoy by next 72 hours. Customers will not have to send anything to avail the offer.
- After end of the free period of 1 month, regular auto renewal charge of Welcome Tune (Monthly: BDT 30, Weekly: BDT 7.5, Daily: BDT 1) and Music Radio (Monthly: BDT 20 , Fortnightly: BDT 10, Weekly: BDT 5, Daily: BDT 0.65) will be applicable.
- To unsubscribe anytime from Welcome Tune and Music Radio, type STOP and send to 4000 and 4040 accordingly.
- First Top 10 Welcome Tune downloader’s will be rewarded with 10 i-Pod.
- Winners will be selected based on ‘Highest Number of Downloads in the Quickest Possible of Time’. Winners will have to download at least 30 songs to win the prize.
- Winners will be notified through GP Outbound Call and SMS
- Winners will be requested to bring relevant identification documents and pick up their reward from their preferred GPC within a specific time-line.
- All other tariffs, pulse, Services etc remains as is as per product and features.
- 15% VAT is applicable.