Use Free Internet in Banglalink With Proxy APN/Server - Android

Use free internet in Banglalink Using Android Phone :

Create a new APN : Follow the Steps given below- 

Setting > Wireless & Network > Mobile Network > Access Point name > Banglalink > New APN

APN Name – Banglalink free Internet
APN Type – Default,mms,supl,wap.
APN – Internet.
Proxy –
Port – 80

Now goto opera mini. If you dont have opera mini, please download Opera Mini first.
You have must active any internet Package. You can use 'pay as use go' dial *789*2*6#. 
Then you go opera mini setting and go socket/http option -  select http.

Thats it. Hope You will enjoy it. Facing problem? - Let me know by comment.
Caution: When try to use free internet it is always adiviseable  to have zero or little balance.


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