Mbps and Kbps are the unit of the measurement of data transfer over the Internet. Mbps means Mega bit per second and Kbps means kilo bit per second.
Always remember that Internet speed is calculated by bit per second unit not Byte per second. Capital B means byte while small b means bit. Bit is smaller to Byte by 8 times that is 1Byte = 8bits. So 1MB(mega byte) equals 8Mb(mega bits)
And 1Mb=1024Kb
Say you have a connection of 1Mbps(mega bit per sec) .Then your connection is capable of transferring maximum of 1024/8= 128 KBps(kilo Byte) per second.
So in 1minute it can download
=128*60 KB
= 7680KB
= 7680/1024 MB
= 7.5MB
That is maximum of 7.5 MB(mega byte) in one minute.
It is ordered to the operator when they get approved 3G packages to ensure at least 70% of the data of package speed.
· So using 1mbps connection you can download 7.5*.70= 5.25 MB in one minute.
· Similarly using 512kbps connection you can download 5.25/2=2.62MB in one minute
· And using 256kbps connection you can download 2.62/2=1.31MB in one minute