banglalink tariff for hajj pilgrims going to saudi arabia. the subscribers will have to select mobily (sauet) network over there.
subscribers can enjoy:
subscribers can enjoy:
- free data service
- 80% reduced rate for all voice calls (except isd) and sms
local calls (bdt/min) call back bangladesh (bdt/min) incoming calls (bdt/min) sms (bdt/sms) data (bdt/10kb) current rate 85 169 149 28 10 special hajj rate 17 33.8 29.8 5 free
- 15% vat will be included in the above tariff
- international roaming offer will be valid till november 30, 2013
- for banglalink international roaming, please visit nearest customer care center with international credit card, photocopy of the first five pages of your passport, 2 copies of photograph