How to make payment from bKash Account ?

You can make payment from your bKash Account to any “Merchant” who accepts “bKash Payment”. For example, if you want to pay after shopping, use the following steps-
01. Go to bKash Mobile Menu by dialing *247#
02. Choose “Payment”
03. Enter the Merchant bKash Account Number you want to pay to
04. Enter the amount you want to pay
05. Enter a reference* against your payment (you can mention the purpose of the transaction in one word. e.g. Bill)

06. Enter the counter number* (the salesperson at the counter will tell you the number)
07. Now enter your bKash Mobile Menu PIN to confirm
Done! You will receive a confirmation message from bKash.
*If Reference or Counter No. or both are not applicable, you can skip them by entering '0'.


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