- Get the ad-code, and copy into your clipboard. (The AdSense help page for this is here.)
- In the Blogger editor, write the contents of the post.
- In Options (under Post Settings in the bar on the right of the Post Editor), check that "Use
- tags" is chosen for the Line Breaks setting.
- Go to the place where you want to put the ad. Put in some "marker text" (a word that isn't used the post, eg "XXX" ).
- Align the marker text the way you want the ad aligned (eg centered).
- Choose the "HTML" tab, and go to the marker-text.
- Replace the marker-text with the ad-text from step 1 (ie paste it in)
- If necessary, put line-breaks (
- ) before or after the ad.
- Publish the post, and check that it looks the way you meant it to.